
We are definitely in the future, aka the first thing I did with my 3DS internet browser
Cmon, we all know this is going to happen (nsfw)
This is my only contribution to the pushmo puzzle fun.  It had to be done.
My friends got SwapNote but apparently they're too "mature" to send dong
Rule34 Swapnote nikki. NSFW
Looks like the Display 3DS at Target made a friend... [nsfw] [xpost from /r/3ds]
I got Freakyforms, but didn't like it, so I decided to put this little guy on my
A friend managed to do this to his 3DS, the horror!
Wanted to play my new 3DS game at home, I have no idea why, but this is the most
I must have stared at the screen for an hour... (x-post /r/3ds
For me, it's more about consistency (NSFW according to Nintendo; x-post from /r/fireemblem)[Fire
3DS comparison. Do I belong here?
Damn, can't wait for it to come out. Bravely Default 3DS
Best 3DS advertisement I've seen.
3DS was made for this
Snake Eater 3D lets you make camo from photographs taken with the 3DS camera. I'm
Do these even still work?
Who else camped out to get their Majora's Mask 3DS?! :D [f]
3ds for scale ;D
Alice: Madness Returns Unrated Edition. Now for the 3DS!
Vivian's New 3DS (original) [4chan]
Horny 3ds [Nintendo 3ds, Nintendo]
Samus for Wii U and 3DS [Ft Peach and Ike]
Riddler Panties, Yoshi Pillow and Nintendo 3DS. I (f)ucking love my girlfriend
FMF - With my 3DS in bed
My first custom theme. I regret nothing!
[trainer?][beg?] may 3ds theme, does anyone have this?
Playing some 3DS in my favorite undies.
It has probably been said already, but you WILL lose Ironhax if you update to 10.4.
Anon mods his 3DS
3DS XL and PSP
New 3ds announced
I swear this is a comfortable position to play 3DS on (Selling my soul for Pokemon
Anon bricks his 3DS [NSFW] (xpost - r/4chan)
Sharing maps for Gotta Protectors fans
3DS Funtime (Vallhund)
3DS lover [F] (Iwbitu)
3ds for scale, looks fat. Tell me what you think
Got a new 3ds and I get to game all day. Who wants in??
Samus relaxing with her 3DS [SplashBrush]
Final reunion photo of my family’s 3DS collection before keep the ones we use and
I thought the 3DS version was cool so here's the original image