
[AA 2-4 and AAI 2-1 spoilers] How did Edgeworth not recognize this?
Thinking back, this alone was probably enough to get Dual Destines an "M"
That material from the crossover is almost real now. ( light Spoilers for 'vs Prof
(SPOILERS FOR GK2) Radioactive Man
[PLvPW] My time to shine
So a couple of my friends got matching profile pictures...
MRW I finally crack the Max Galactica case in Justice for All
[Slightly NSFW] The Greatest Revelation of All
Is this a subtle NSFW reference?
Maya looking adorable in Phoenix's clothes (a bit suggestive)
I think Courtney's age-related... oddity, becomes worse when you consider...
I ran into this guy in another subreddit.
here come dat ace attorney
My favorite Seargant
Mero's clownfish Moe cosplay by Selirum.
A certain (official!) Maya scene, from Project X Zone 2
I'm gonna be honest with y'all, this is the main reason why I keep the text box transparent.