
Here's a picture of a gong. Now someone tell me what the fuck this subreddit is about
is this ok?
[non-mod post] This happened at my atheist bake sale today
MFW I'm a dirty jew.
Mmmmm, Motzah Balls
I couldn't find her banging a gong but I'm pretty sure she subscribes to r/atheism.
Heil Mittler!
Happy cake [d]ay everybody!!1111!!!1 Especial[le] you, Colby.
Ron Paul with his birthday cake.
Mods are asleep or masturbating to My Little Pony. Lets posts some vegetables
The sidebar specifically bans Ron Paul, but says nothing about RuPaul.
Neil eating a sandwich [ x-post magicskyfairy]
mfw I can submit a link because new meat don't OBEY the rules.
/r/atheistbakesale Lessons, Day 1. Check the list of barred wankers. If /u/atheist_
Found this gem of TopdeBotton reading his favorite magazine.
/r/atheistbakesale lesson day 3, Post obese women eating cake.