
The FT is hostile to Conservatism
Should labour ban the term "Zionism"? "Devil worshipping wankers!"
Labour NPCs get a firmware update
'sponsored by the uk government'
Leftist anti-Racist protests turned into a race war real fast
Your map is too racist? No problem! We will make our own schools with our own maps.
I slapped JK and I'm not sorry - Front page of the Sun newspaper
Glasgow City Council to consider introducing reparations
The Guardians grovelling footnote has dropped all pretence of journalistic integrity
Mysoginist makes mealy mouthed apology to save job.
"You are a disgrace to the womb you crawled out of" - A Tory perpetrates
Priyamvada Gopal not only got promoted but Cambridge University also conveniently
There's always something new at Lidl
Ghislaine Maxwell and Kevin Spacey sitting on British Throne
Fake CDC letter making the rounds on social media
Customer notice.
This is the definition of Baizou...
Everybody's favourite journalist
Fell walkers everywhere in disbelief
I've made a new friend.
How is this possibly news to an organisation that protects our history?
Tankie uses words words words to justify why China's detainment camps are actually
Appears Google ads also think England is done for...
Intelligence level: personal trainer
47% of the UK workforce are women. This is a hatecrime.
r/uk user wants the country in ruins because people didn't vote the same way as him
Of your kid likes computers report the fucker!
Genius Scot redditor asks for data "from the future" after being shown
The British Broadcasting Company
I've made a friend pt2.
Anyone else sick of the BBC using blatantly misleading headlines before you click
The absolute state of Scottish Nationalism
No, i want the destruction of britain, its systems and its state. Destroying the
Channel 4 are doing a documentary titled 'Is Covid Racist?'
Member of Welsh Parliament, Caroline Jones, supports Member of Welsh Parliament,
Corbyn does interview with a conspicuously placed copy of Xi Xinping's manifesto
ScotNat loses their mind and goes full blown stalker when someone won't take their
Half wit thinks being unlucky while in office=malevolent murder
r/UK on the new strain
Saw a guy respond to a comment by saying 'A Badunitedkingdom troll on the loose,
Friday caption competition.
#CorbynWasRight is trending again for the nth time, definitely not a cult btw.
Anti Churchill liar part time Guardianista gets called out, tries to change the meaning
Jeremy Corbyn's honest view of NATO, taken from one of many articles written by him
Soccer news : Glasgow Rangers have pipped their rivals, Glasgow Celtic, to win the
Barnet Momentum tweets 'Is your MP on the #IsraelGravyTrain? More than 100 Parliamentarians
Google has finally figured out /r/badUK
With one month to go until the Hartlepool by-election the NIP's (polling at 2%) are
"The Queen lost her cousin" says Hassaan without a hint of self awareness.
Wikipedia Battle Summary for the Second Battle of Jersey (2021)
Broken record
Unison secretary is sick and tired of the Tories putting people before profit.
Protesters invade the home of Islamic scholar with a different stance on Palestine
Oh grow up for fuck sake. Imagine living in one of the most racist countries in the
Incredible levels of revisionism from a Redditor
Baduk archetypes political compass
“I felt more comfortable in public wearing a mask”
"Britain created slavery" - review of Afua Hirsch's book "We Need
This shirt…