
Women's football would be better if it were a full contact sport
It never rains but it pours
".. at least in heaven I can skate.."
Kung Futbal
Do we have an award for stupidest person in the subreddit? This guy is a strong contender
All in all you're just another brick in the wall
The fabled 450
Whisked away to a world of pain
Eye five!
It's a cooler way to travel
Boardering on incompetence
M&Mtly poor. (It's tenuous, but it's there)
The fabled 630
It's another wheely good gif!
Canoe take me to the hospital
Paraplegic Paraglider
Stupidity really escalated her problems
Perfect form on the head pivot
Yuri will now demonstrate the balloon's fearsome powers of deceleration. Over to
New Teeth! Now at affjordable prices!
If at first you don't succeed try, try, and try again.
NFL underdog
A spec-torque-ularly poor decision
Is this what people mean when they talk about bouncebackability?
Ragdoll 1.2.7 in beta. Still being a bit of a pain.
Below the belt (sander)
Oh deer oh deer oh deer
Battery Recycling
Blazering Saddles
"I'm telling you guys, these things are bolted to the floor, look!"
Is that a jig? No, it's a hoe-down
Well that escalated quickly.
Swings and roundabouts
The ol' bait-and-switch
You gon’ jump into my truck and then try to get truculent
"Really Dave?! Probably not the most tactful way to let Steve know he was getting
You've yaught to be kidding me...
"I've had such a bad day. Mind if I rant to get the weight off my chest?"
Great balls of fire
[100 Subscribers] The Melon Gif
Double McTwist 1260: The Early Years
In a tight spot
Missed a Spot
Crash dummy.
This lookss unbeleverably painful
Driven into the rough
Rock and roll in pain
Running flat out
Steel yourself