
Lick it all up
Little Bitches Like Me
Nobody Asked Because Nobody Wanted to Know
Oh, Dude! That's Very R.E. Really Embarrassing!
Honestly, You're More Greasy Than You Are Oily
She's Never Going to Fuck You, Dude
Could You Make It Sound Less Menacing?
The Trick to Being Truly Creepy is to Let Yourself Go and Say What's On Your Mind
Do You Accept Bitcoin?
I Think This Was Literally an Ass Pic
If You're Not Picturing a Heavyset Guy in His Late 60s, You're Doing this Wrong
Yeah, Dude, That Makes it Better
Honestly, Any Human Contact at All Would Be Nice, But Since We're Being Specific...
Why Don't You Eat Some Babby Food, Then?
That's a Lot to Unpack for Such a Brief Statement
What Do You Even SAY to That?
Obvious troll or creepy as fuck?
Spray this man in the eyes with Raid.
I could, like, totally take you out on a date! I'll even take you to your house!
I hope he didn't use his work computer...
That isn't anything like a Walking Taco, is it?
That's kinda sweet, in a really repellent way.
The word you're looking for is masseuse.
"making ono"
At least he's honest
If you have to start with, "This might sound creepy", then it almost certainly
Yeah, but what would you do for a Klondike Bar?