
Dentistry Nightmare.
Is this normal for healing? Had wisdom tooth extracted from here last Monday (tooth
For some of you that might like to see a badass cavity and some large roots. This
[pic inside] My gums look like they've erroded... Not entirely sure a 19 year old's
Happy valentines day NSFL
Happy Valentine's Day! NSFL
what is this clear bubble on my gums?
Looking for diagnostic advice... Seeing the dentist tomorrow but I'm worried. [more
For the few of you who like teethpulling here is a brochure for futa dentistry.
My teeth have this weird redness on them, any idea what it is? [NSFW]
Snapchat from friend in Dentistry (NSFW)
Odontophobia is the fear of dentistry.
My left,way back molar, lower mandible.Was eating a bowl of cereal and somehow this
[NSFW] Does my stepfather have dry socket? There is NO bloot clot, jaw bone is visible.
Broken second premolar - dental emergency or can it wait 10 hours until morning?
NSFW: Wisdom Teeth Removed Whole
NSFW Dentistry logo
PSA - Sodie Pop Addiction
You know I've never before had to get naked for a little cosmetic dentistry. (model
How bad would you rate these cavities? What is best course of action?
Best way to cleanse this tartar on front teeth at home?
Should I irrigate this wisdom tooth surgery pocket?
Extracted wisdom teeth looks weird
How bad does my molar look and what treatment can i expect?
Is my throat inflamed? Lump feeling since 2 weeks.
Recurring mucocele? This basically comes and goes every 3 days. Anything that can
Wisdom Teeth hole 8 days post-op
Is this dry socket? Extraction happened 4 days ago
Black patch on lower gum/cheek, WTF?!
DIY Dentistry
Practicing Dentistry