
Shanghai (China)
Catchin' some waves
old dog
"I bought a fogger for my terrarium/aquarium, and, after only a few minutes
a pet
This is an MRI scan of a banana.
Stop everything and just look at this
Meanwhile, in the south...
Salvador Dali - The Harmony of the Spheres (1978) [1222x1200]
Pretty much my favorite photoshopped picture of all time
Her name is Jessie. Yes, she is a pet.
I work with a ground hornbill and every time he catches a bug, he runs over to show
The Beauty of Spring
A whaling ship surrounded by several dead whales lying in the sea at Spitsbergen,
Not your usual Aww, An apprentice Eagle huntress and her Bird
U.S. Route 50 - Known as America's most lonely road
So satisfying...
I'm learning to work glass, this is my first flower marble!
Rocket launch
My grandma started her own business making wedding capes. One of her clients sent
In a way, it's impressive
Ulithi Atoll, home to the 3rd Fleet in late 1944. The land in the foreground is one
Microscope footage
So I Injected Eggs With The Liquid From Various Glow Sticks.. I Was Not Disappointed.
Full moon rising over Mt. Hood [2880x1619]
A pool during a flood that just barely doesn't contaminate the pool
Stumbled across an old abandoned farmhouse while hiking around Ireland. (I can post
My great-uncle sharing a laugh with his goose
I gave my dog (Molly) a small piece of pizza close to 10 minutes ago and she has
If I fits I sits!
This Shelf, These Books.
"Högertrafikomläggningen" - the day Sweden switched from driving on the
Dat pop!
My Dad's obsession with our family dog is escalating...
Single cloud taken at 30,000 feet
What an eclipse looks like from space.
Southern Coast of Maui, Hawai'i [2048x1152]
The exact moment her phone was lost forever
Went to Vegas for my birthday. Got the best balloon animal ever.
Breathtaking photo of a B-1B taking off.
First time I've ever taken my camera on a plane
Animals you may not have known existed
A picture of the world's blackest material which absorbs all but .035% of light.
Artist re-draws own doodles 20 years later
a hail of crows
Water Skiing
A normal day in Red Brick Park, Yokohama
Honduran white bats make their own shelters by manipulating the leaves of large plants
everyone else at home depot is looking at the flowers, i'm just standin here taking
When visiting my parents, this is my favorite place to get away from my family when
Failed panoramic.
The set from REAR WINDOW consisted of 31 apartments (8 completely furnished) and
The ISS in front of a daytime moon
Zooey Deschanel