
You don't belong there Timmy-boo!
Is CLW still a thing?
Perhaps the end of crowd sourced marketing? Looks like the Freaks are trying to name
Timmeh-boo, my rent is due. STD
Have you Spread The Distortion lately?
shiiiit dildooo
Found this on r/WTF. Great accessory for the bern.
Here Timmeh Poodle, A mixture of Krang and Honey Boo Boo
So that's what Prussian Blue has been up to
It is unethical for a poster about domestic 
violence to be this awkwardly hilarious?
Mugshots from Florida
Modding on Gaychan.com when I found this "shit-whore".
Especially for Timmy-boo, given how the intros to DV went the last few days...
Stan Lee has one of those old person keyboards Tim featured. (right side of the pic)
If Timmy ever gives up collecting soda cans there's always Disney memorabilia.
Album artwork?
I found levenge in a thrift shop!
Bristol Stool Chart in delicious cake form.
From Today's DV: Roy Killer War's Bowel Movement! (GROSS)
Here's Roy Killer War's Penis.
"Cripples R cool" shirt design.
"Window Licker On-board"
STD - something I've been working on
I found the best item to go with Tim's meownaise!
My husband brought me this and asked if I want some vegan balls in my mouth. Yes
This isn't news or anything but should totally be the album artwork some time.
Look! It’s O’labia Noodle Jern! Let's get physical
Scary wabbit
On the Sideshow exclusive show, I was grossed out by the virgins kissing. I made
The most disturbing furry porn I have ever seen. [NSFW] "A better way to neuter."
Antique anti-masturbation devices
Get ready to bate your dong Timmy - Jem and the Holograms Promo.
What a bad decision looks like. Forever.
A story that will make even the most heartless DV Freak tear up. Except Tim, he's
Sadly, NOT the most Sexist man on Twitter
Self-abortion kit
Anti-Masturbation Cross
Great Sims Glitch(?)
Sex questions
Faces of Nip
I laughed, and had a little "you know you're a freak when..." moment (x-post
Creationist Propaganda - It's crap like this that pisses me off
Article from the UK for Timmyboo.
Waterbury Woman Confronts Naked Pit Bull Rapist - He Kept Saying He Was From ISIS
Homemade energy drink... [x-Post r/funny]
Groupon Pedobear Costume
Cutters and self harm are now ad copy fodder
"Fresh Perked" T-shirt I've designed for the Tim Henson Pussy Posse
DistortedBitch and Scumhook getting along <3
Tim getting his dick sucked by the King of Bitching himself.
Criminal masterminds realize after-the-fact that there was a video camera watching
Shitty Celeb Shitty Tattoo [Hou Bou Dah]
Can we make this Waluigi cosplay pic a sidebar pic?
We Shall Over-Comb!
This was a DV fan, wasn't it?
Alex Jones - Spends years warning us about a government pedophile ring. Gives unconditional
Ohio would be in Trouble