
GF and Ex, pre[f]er L or R?
Comparison with u/pyjp1512
u/cplfromholland VS u/anais-rose
Who is doing it better? u/mountain_slut420 or u/jizzypop
Before and after Mil(f) status - 20’s then 40’s ?
Both /u/CPLfromAmsterdam and /u/EandVCouple know what's good in life!
Who is doing the Reverse Cowgirl better? /u/texascouple74 or /u/whatinsexualrelation
u/nadiaklaus96 and u/KinkyWhereItCounts
Both u/DonutAndKlax and u/auggiehasaloggy likes to grab!
Both great looking pussies! u/thiccredituser and u/smolboba Which one would you choose?
Small Clits! u/c00kiesnscream VS u/JoseRojas1717 Which one do you prefer?
Who would you choose? u/curvy_chloe VS u/Nosferasstu
The Perfect Doppelgänger! u/Dragonfly0573 and u/sexyesmaralda
With or without? u/Stone505
The perfect doppelgänger for u/leoSalazar96 Almost identically!
Doggy Style: u/WCcpl3130 vs. u/himandherandyou
u/HardyBen vs u/NecessaryFull7206