
Plugging Jenkem Straight from a toilet?
420 BLAZE IT BITCHES #feelthebern
URGENT!!!! CEN SuM1 idenTIFy this SuBsTinse???!?!
WARNING: Up close picture of an nBomb molecule!
opn my third special eye, very deep experienc.
[nsfw] when u microbrew some jenk and trick a bartard into a trip to the ΓΟΑΤΣΕ
Proof that Terence McKenna was a bartard and flaming homosexual
My bro and I found some fire molly
Rens snorts cuckozolam
"Be it acid on the tongue, cocaine in your brain, or some weed that hits your
[NSFL] This poor man forgot to testkit for at least three months after boofing, now
Anyone ever boofed this? Can I get addicted to it?
My uncle ate a cocaine ice cream sandwich edible and contracted calcium deficiency.
Just gotta ???? to hide away the pain (xpost /r/meirl)
Why Lil Peep REALLY died (the TRUTH!!1)
Found this in my moms bedroom. Where's the bowl and what part to I put my mouth on?
Found on r/drugscirclejerk
Whip-It! Dickbutt
Just a little butt fuel at the concert.
What type of plant is this? Will it get me high?
The perfect girl doesn't exis--
This method of taking weed is funded by WHO. In their research they state combining
Trippin' at a discount tonight boyz!
Be free my son
pure class
Decided I would use my roommate's rice cooker. This is what I found when I opened
Welcome to India.