
We are now trading at 0.03 ETH
Quick picture guide showing how to use EtherDelta with MetaMask plugin
Loaded up coinmarketcap and nearly had a heartattack!
What's up with those selling orders?
Don't trade drunk
For once a higher price is not by a single small order but by organic growth
Hold the door!!!!! Look at all the buy orders compared to sell orders.
SCAM WARNING! Just received this on mail and slack. Don't follow this link.
Looking at Coinmarketcap today...
We are now second in volume on HitBTC ETH-pairs
Built a modest mining rig to fuel my DICE addiction.
This can't actually be right... right?
Someone just wanted a lot of DICE at any price
Someone just ate up all the big buys below 0.038800000
I can't even believe this.
My reaction if u/etheroll says he's been working on a plasma implementation of Etheroll.
Just posted a bid to advertise Etheroll on Toshi's Adbot.
Reposted my image
1000 was so yesterday
Last 18 days wager statistics
Etheraddresslookup extension blocking myetheroll.com
If you are OK with sudden bankroll profit increases of over 600 ETH, you should really
If you are OK with sudden bankroll profit increases of over 600 ETH, you should really
Reality check for some people here.
[shitpost] Etheroll advertisements are up!
What are the odds... o_o
Etheroll on iOS using Trust
Can we talk about the Trollbox?
Dry-Husky-74 is Wise-Swan-75
Totally sustainable
Someone make an "oopsie" using the liquidity contract
World's Largest Ethereum Bet of 888 Ether Placed on Etheroll.com
Up over 400 ETH in today's bank roll!!
Been a rough past 21 minutes for Bitter Turkey 89.
1000x scaling of the Ethereum Virtual Machine expected In 2021. Long delays for Etheroll
Super unlucky run by poor tasty gecko <3
ATH in the number of bet count on pi day (3/14)
Wow, should we cut the quarter early?
My favorite Etheroll meme.
Etheroll on the prysmatic testnet (eth2stats.io)
whats up with this?
New milestone!