
New Hearthstone Card
This is an invasion.
Jordanian Killed for This Cartoon
The Swedish call them Skäggbarnen which means "beard children"
White man! Go back to Europe!
Germany: Famous critic of Islam Imad Karim posts furious FB comment under photo of
A Utopian Society
A Utopian Society
Maybe they're not that crazy? [OC]
A 15 year old refugee with his fellow classmates (Sweden)
A 16 year old Ethiopian cries while he awaits registration at a processing centre
Christians: When will you stop being cucked by the Jews and say Jesus is Ba'al, Lord
The New Europeans
CULTURE vs. multiculturalism
Banner over Cologne's train station today: "Never again the shame of Cologne!
Found in r/EuropeanNationalism
Yes goy, trust Dr. Shekelberg, you are definitely a woman. (x-post /r/europeannationalism)