
You making coffee, or should I?
When's your break bb? Wanna get lunch?
Swim meet in an hour, wish me luck!
Remember that time our team got crushed in the finals & we ended up staying
About to go water the plants... hoping to run into you tbh <3
We agreed you'd knock first, number one, AND I told you I've been with patients all
Confession: I try to be the last one at the gym every night, so I get the sauna all
Doing my postdoc right now... but I do like to come here on the weekends when I can
At the roller rink space rave, not feeling the photographer's punny prompts
Waistband bulge
Hey I got us both a pint of the new draf---wait, why are you on the floor?
You, um... you can stand here, sweetie... it's a sandbar, see?
Damn, those waves were crazy! I think I need a break for a bit cuz I'm dead tired!
More of a Zerg than a Protoss person, myself...
Reading the results of the largest-ever scientific survey of American sexual fantasies,
If you're smart, you'll get the fuck up... like, right now. ♥️
Famous Last Words: "Of course I will come to the beach with you, Ladies, and
"I said i was fine, but when you said that you would have liked to expose, at
"Well, damn, I wish I could have understood my neighbour language...surely she
This type of cow produces a particularly healthy blend. You can really taste the
My day was fantastic, how was yours? snapcht elkceep ???
Oh don't worry you can use my backdoor to go inside