
MRW I'm caught cheating on my diet. [X-Post /r/giantbomb]
I put that picture of the Dave Lang Minion into the Google dream Simulator last week.
Brad fucking did it!
Jeff in his natural habitat
Well, damn. (Spoilers for Ryckoning)
Men of Game Development 2016 Calendar Has Arrived! (At my job no less) Featuring
The happiest man alive right now
[NSFW] I can't believe Drew's never mentioned his former career as an artist's model.
Things Brad can't wait for...
So my wife was housesitting for her (late 70's) parents, and found this.
50 Shades of Dan
Met this guy that used to hang out with Jeff and Ryan. He's locked up now.
Drew finally swore
Dan in MP10's last game.... that just seems wrong
When someone says Mario Party 10 is the best Mario Party
Blatant false advertising on the premium subscription sign-up page.
Dan Scanlon
"Let's go with Recent Posts"
Well that's enough internet for today.
It's that time of the year again...