
My own personal "Keep Calm"
Great Ape spotted in the wild; this one also knows his race's history
Iron chef knows whats up
apes gonna ape...
The similarity!
The history channel knows whats up..
Factual falcon facts; whites still raysis doe.
On a scale of 1 to Bill O'Reilly taping Inside Edition; how mad does this pic make
where da whyte pokemon at
This is how you troll POZers, SRSers, and SJWs. When they post a bullshit comic,
Reminder: Construct a moat to keep your family safe.
"This is it? This is what i got all those ass whoupins for?"
Evolution in a nutshell. [remember to vote more]
6 year old seduced me
Notice how tge civil rights movement happens in the 60's
Lsat scores of rich blacks and poor whites | niggers still cant get it together!
Saw this on /r/pics, a message to all the niggers...
Typical coalburner.
Upvote if you love diversity!
Using the toilet is too hard for niggers. Guess we better start an entitlement program
Xpost from /r/whiterights.
Bad luck german shepard
Typical Dumb Street Ape, LOL!
Natural Behaviours and Interconnectivity with Hippopotamidae : A Visual Case Study
Lol! /k/ommando recalls highschool
GreatApe use the race card to get out of tipping... like they ever tip anyway! (original
Be on the loon out for this greatape in the seattle arena
/r/greatapes user's son reaches enlightenment [NSFW]