
[OC] Hello kitty
User Would Empty His Clip on a Rapist
He's back. I'm also very certain he has never actually been in combat.
Only a real man supports LGBT
Tough man would love to teach those antifa punks a lesson
Oh noes he's going to get you with his homies
Sex god analyses girl in a porn video
From the Wolf Pack Bear Guy Comes... THE C WORD
Pretty sure she wrote this on the side of a public school
Army of One
What are you looking at?
Legendary hero knows how to deal with muggers, regardless of their gender ( ͡°
The First Lady
WTF would make this guy think he could make this jump?
Watch out for this political badass
Aviators have never looked so menacing
Badass Trump supporter wants a second civil war because people say mean things about
You said it brother nsfw
And then he drank of the blood of his enemies
[NSFW] Just what you’d expect in an East Texas gas station/BBQ joint I guess
Australian Mum uses body to shield Baby during hailstorm
But Thor The Dark World wasn't that good
I hope this goes virile
Oh shit
Man appears to have visited my mother
This racist asshat
My penis is so huge! Sorry yours isn’t!
This guy thought I was the girl in the pic.....I'm 100% sure you can guess what the
RE: Mike Tyson
LoL fUcKiN bEtA mALeS
Some guy on r/nsfw going a bit too far
I'd hate to be trampled by a guy who folds his boxers up into a diaper.
Some people on Facebook take Easter WAY too serious...
Don’t worry, I zoomed in to take this photo to ensure I was at a safe distance.
[NSFW] This is just bizarre
Found in the bathroom on my job site
Found John Rambo on a Fantasy Football App..
Top Sniper in the Military...
Found someone selling these on Facebook, can any 'December Guy' confirm..?
Found this gem on Instagram
Poop to show dominence or disintelligence?
I didn't even know what I wanted to do when I was 14
what an absolute legend
Young boy style
What am I supposed to suk?
Doctor Badass
You've messed with the wrong incel, "kid"
Ok. I'm sorry...
Having a good PC makes you a genius and stud.
He truly went off the rails to prove his point
Fine line between badass and psychopath