
the key to success
Zoe Quinn exposed lying about the extent of her interaction with TFYC
/sp/ is on fire.
4chan users shitposting in protest of censorship. /v/, /tv/, /sp/, possibly others
Kotaku Video Editor Chris Person wants Tokyo Game Show participants to get murdered
Georgina went to the GirlGamers subreddit to ask for their opinion on her planned
Check it!
If you were wondering what's been happening on 4chan since the exodus, a rogue mod
Hatred is now the #1 game on Steam Greenlight
Received a surprising reply from Patreon regarding Brianna Wu's harassment raids
[Possibly NSFW] David Gallant apparently has been broken by us. To the extent that
Replacing "men" with "Jews" in one of Anita Sarkeesian's infamous
[NSFW] Sealioning with #GamerGate
Marcus (@eastendchild) shows a GG minor pictures of his dick as a response (NSFW)
[HUMOR] The FBI investigating #GamerGate (x-post from 8chan)
Makes all kinds of sense..
[NSFW][Humor]So I'm a Satanic, School-Shooting, Basement-Dwelling, Sexist, Racist,
[Humor] Reminder of Polygon's Arthur Gies Bayonetta 2 review remix
The double standard with The Witcher 3
[Drama] Another "dude bro" strawman getting shut down in comics for "mansplaining"
just some lewd vivian james fanart (((((((:
[Humor] Problematic and Chill.
please ban me [nsfw]
[Humor] Team ninja has found a way to appease sjw's with DOAX3
If male video game characters were dressed like female characters
[Humor] NSFW so Anita listed DMC Dante as a character who has his butt strategically
GDC are going full Tumblr
[Humor] (NSFW) Male behavior according to SJWs.
[humor] I was watching a movie and something seemed familiar
[nsfw] Nintendo may have fired Alison Rapp because she may have been shooting porn
[HUMOR] Sorry Guys, I Can't resist a double entendre.
[Misc]I am at a loss for words...
[Humor] The Face of Social Justice
Why we need 4th wave feminism
The Chinese Room's upcoming DLC has just been announced!
My loving husband [Outlast]
Social justice in female bathrooms
The naked truth about the double standards of HuffPost
[History] Some original art covers of Male Gaze variety from German magazines of
[History] A bunch of the original-art game mag covers from the 1990s
On 10th March 1914, First Wave Feminist and Suffragette Mary Richardson slashed this
[History] Edge 1993: "Sex & violence" ("Some of the latest
[Humour/WTF] Destiny's weird fanbase [NSFW]
Are you freaking kidding me?? Check this out folks. This is the world we live in
[HUMOR] Old Yeller persuades Disney & Google to remove The Aristocats &
I came across this, and thought some might enjoy having a laugh... from a webcomic
CPPCon tweets out a pic of a speaker breaking their own CoC ("fuck" hat
SJWs bad!
Anon commits murder
Close-up pic of KotakuInAction mods.
[Humour] r Drama's Gamergate recap thread is a funny nostalgia trip
[Censorship] An example of the content that Patreon now prohibits, banning various