
OpenSUSE's logo looks like a silhouette of Jay Leno with big tits and a spiral penis
My friend's view on Linux users (NSFW language)
A wild windows appeared
Deep down inside you know that this is true. Downvoting won't help fill the void.
Found this is in our PC room at school
Linus Torvalds vacation to Japan
Windows free week is here, therefore this is a post about Windows
Proof that Windows is literally hitler
anime irl
Anon fantasizes about RMS
Jessica Alba knows what's up
A day in the life of an ex malware developer
What Linus does in his spare time (xpost from /r/Animemes)
me irl
I'm don't think this is what I'm looking for...
[NSFW] Guess Ubuntu 18.04 LTS's name.
I doubt he actually said that
Projectile G N O M E
a man shall do what he must
Srry 4 all the profiles. Can honestly say what happened the past week was nothing
When bae sends you sexy texts