
Equine phallus implausibly sequestered subterraneously in labyrinthine locus.
I am merely forsaking this unto your locus.
tfw the root locus is shaped like a ball sack and the weed good
Locus: Godslayer Trade Paperback cover #2!
The very first Locus sketch (1996)
Chapter 6 begins! The origins of everyone's favorite Uncle, plus the kinda-sorta
Locus is 10 years old today! Thanks and much love to all the Locus Fans who have
Another Kung Fu movie poster: the inside front cover of TOD #7
Cover to TOD #8, sans logo. Meant to upload this awhile ago! Got busy. You know how
[meta] [UPCOMING] Locus - An app to meet friends who have similar interests (x-post
Happy 14th birthday to Studio Assistant Jett Black!
Merry Xmas!
Locus sketch (I'm finally learning Krita)
Cover to Locus:Godslayer TPB4 is finally done!
Still recovering from thumb tendon issues, but here's a sketch I finished up earlier
Locus & Skariish'i sketch is finally done!
Happy 15th birthday to Chillsec: Studio Mascot and All-Around Sweetheart!
Sunrise over locus mortis