
[HoI III] I guess this is a good thing? Playing as the USA
This event popped up and gave me a good laugh. [V2]
More Hideous Borders
So I just tried to download Napoleon's Legacy...
The definition of bordergore.
Do you hate [F]rance? Fulfill that revenge fantasy with me. [x-post /r/gonewild]
A German conquest game (mildly NSFW - border gore)
Hot Pic of Britain In A Compromising Situation... (NSFW)
The next Blot is going to have a special guest
Warring States Mod Border Gore (NSFW)
Spain you are weird. Warning Gore.
Viet Long after ~100 years of growth. Blobs are boring, it's all about strings.
Asia...pls. I think I'm going to be sick...
4chan plays Crusader Kings II (NSFW)
Bad girl gets punished
[NSFW] Border gore to the max! Kaiserreich DH
Worst borders I've ever seen.
Just getting my 'Luck of the Irish' achievement, and I look over to see.... This.
Warning! NSFW/L Massive Asian gorder
pretty interesting europe, lot of border rape warning
Looking up!
It's things like this that we need a border gore CB
(NSFW) disgusting karlings i hope you all die
Croatia gonewild!(NSFW border)
This hurt to even look at. NSFL Gore
Nasty deep Chinese penetration
I need help balancing my budget--or how the Communist Brazilians forgot how to profit.
The AI Führer also seems to have an obsession with paper divisions
[NSFL][NSFW]So I released Prussia from Germany. I never expected it to be this bad
Pickin up girls... using EU4 (x-post from r/eu4)
[NSFL]Perpetual War Minimod Part 2: Please end my lifec
And in that day, many cartographists committed suicide
The CSA had some interesting borders in my Australia game.
Let's play: Hearts of Iron III
East and West, a Hoi3 AAR Part V "Destroyer of Worlds"
I'm so sorry
East and West, a Hoi3 AAR Part VI "Operation Foxtrot and the Battle for Indochina"
So we're posting our Vicky 3 Danish Empires?
My First USA AAR, feat. The Worst Germany (Europe NSFW)
This may be the single ugliest South America I've ever seen
People's fears regarding hoi4 described in one image
Poland joining the axis is a recipe for border gore
Heinz Ketchup Guderian
Border Friction
Twinkle twinkle
MFW you trap 20+ ships in Singapore two weeks into the war.