
I was going to keep them all to myself, but I made all these Oglaf reaction faces.
These fine folk require a witty tagline
I was going to keep all of these to myself, but sharing is caring! Please don't sue
Getting caught in a repost...
MRW imgur is over capacity
When people get upset over gore in NSFW posts
Ur Dun, M8 (Sorry for shit title, can't think of a better one)
How I feel when I get a 3 grand VAT bill from the taxman and an instruction to pay
Grandma with largest square footage of bush ever (NSFW)
When you're fucking a vampire and the sun comes up (NSFW)
Every time I take the bait on a WTF or NSFL post - GIF on Imgur
mfw they don't accept my unban picture at /r/me_irl NSFW
When we finally get home from a week with my in-laws, during which time my wife has
Me abruptly waking to the distinct smell of burning cookies... [NSFW]
MRW I'm Bear Grylls, and I first set foot at the next filming location [NSFW]
When it gives you that feeling in your loins...