
I've had some sexual shortcomings with my girlfriend recently and I don't think she
Interesting start to my morning...
I almost got this guys daughter in a lot of trouble... (NSFW)
A wrong number that escalated quickly (NSFW)
Good morning!
Morning fun part 2
Texting with my SO. (I'm a girl, SO is a guy)
True love
"Thank the universe for wrong numbers"
Stop texting my girl bruh! NSFW
My friend likes to send Muppet Treasure Island lyrics to random phone numbers. Most
Last sunday I was incredibly drunk and literally all my contacts saw my dick...
Someone changed her auto-correct for "clean your room"..
Two steak burritos and a neckrub sound pretty good to me.
Sexting is fun [NSFW]
Understanding men is simple.
Sexting gone askew.
I think my friend has gone to a dark place.
NSFW. When you just have to tell someone.
How to cockblock yourself
Wrong Number text from my friend.. Awkward
Dude Texts Wrong # and I roll with it
Auto correct strikes again NSFW
Beasties for the testies. FU Autocorrect (NSFW)
Drunk text - I like how he paired the fruits!
Received text from a wrong number, attempted to start a dirty chat and ended up as
Saw that I got a wrong number text when I got off work.
Well... this is awkward...
College Girls
My son left his Elmo at my work. Wife has been looking everywhere for it. (Possibly
Edward Choden
Reddit's Reputation (NSFW)
[NSFW] Possibly the worst bot ever made.
[NSFW] Mans gotta have a code
Damn it auto correct...
Scariest message of my life
Coworker takes nothing seriously
My sister just did this! So hilarious!
Roommate woes
casual texts to my dear aunt
Penny from the Boogie [NSFW]
NSFW Hmm. Didn't think that would actually work
The adventures of an innocent stable boy
My Friend's Puns Went Right Over My Head
Dammit Jenni
Undefined titty monsters