
First time visiting R/NintendoSwitch
4 Minute Ban
banned in 4 minutes
This is almost like cheating (SRS)
It's almost cheating (SRS)
Taking the propaganda too far
Divine Intervention
Almost got there accidentally. I was being sincere, but I think that sub may be a
Making a point with sarcasm.
Too Trashy? Now I've gotta' play nice.
Not a single tear was shed
Well, no ban yet. Will update.
Banned for liking my mother
Mod Playing Mommy
I fear my cover may have been blown.
AskReddit mods wanted me to draw a picture of a toilet running for president.
Dumbass gets triggered; bans himself
A trip down memory lane: I AM THE FUCKING STRONG
Banned Again For Liking My Mother
I don't blame them.
Banned from two subs within 10 minutes
Threaten a ban from The_Donald? That's a banning!
Banned from r/unexpected for participating in polarizing discussion
Casually ask for a source on MGTOW, get banned, retaliate with emojis
Pick Your Ban!
This got me FULLBANNED
How easy is it to get banned from /r/LSC? I got banned for saying that China is communist
Got banned from /r/Conservative for saying Communist stuff
-915 followed by -668 is a solid effort, IMO.
r/RoastMe removed this...?