
Tyler with Spongebob
The king himself
The king and his sex slaves.
NEW SHOES!!!!!!!
Lunch with Grandma & Billy boy at The Oar Resturaunt
Tyler during a sweaty hike
kinda looks like matt damon!! -Hailey Miranda
Dont you think its to hot for a sweatshirt?
Sweaty mirandas after a light jog
the kings twerk team 2013
disgruntled Ty Ty in a sour candy eating contest
Our king and his father concentrating on their marshmallow adventures
happy fathers day from the mirandas
The king is ready to feast...
The king in his kitchen about to cook!
The king has the ability to take many transformations. Our team has caught a rare
The king saving some kittens from their fiery fate.
Happy Birthday to our king!
Our King next to a giant statue of a Mexican man.
Our king excited for school
The Three Musketeers!!! feat. Tyler's new slaves!!!!!
SNAP! The King snagging a quick photo of himself with his gorgeous, curly hair and
Our gods cousin has risen