U Cjcydox

He's right
The revolution is not being televised [Texas, USA]
Eviction Court Kiosks
Jesus fucking Christ this is the brainlet who runs America?
Glad to see the FBI's priorities are in order
Told ya
Calling them motherfuckers is putting it gently
I hope he's right...
Y’all Qaeda
Stanford University study: 30,000 cases and 700 deaths
Class consciousness is key
330 million people
A handy guide
One accomplishment.
Just something to keep in mind for the future
Georgia on my mind
Capitalism, uhhhh, finds a way
Right wingers have the biggest brains
Paying employees in full damages the economy
But socialism is expensive!
pRoUd boYs aReN’t raCiSt!
The poor get poorer
Surrendering to Covid
You shouldn’t have taken out those loans to better yourself!
Listen to experts, not billionaires.
stop stickin up for people that aren't stickin up for you
"How are we going to pay for it?"
damn, somebody hand that lady some aloe
Weird how people lording over land artificially inflates the cost of living. It's
A fitting Tony Benn quote as the government announces record military funding
Removing Mitch McConnell as Majority Leader
Could it be?
A timely reminder that ordinary people make atrocities happen
You guys are getting paid?
No. 1 ya'll! USA still killing 'em after all these years!
Seems like the less workers are paid the more essential they are
This is the most satisfying "no" I've seen in years
It’s about time somebody said it
And today people call this "socialism"...
How to Steer Clear of Misinformation Online
Our benefits system is designed to kill the poor
Capitalism is a prude
If only it was enforced like they did for weed
During WWII, the US gov realized that entering a war drags the economy out of recession.
The great wealth divide continues
wHy w0uLd y0u w@Nt t0 dEfUnD tHe p0LiCe???
Welp. Guess this is life now
I never want to hear about my own job performance again.
Bloom in the shade
Mid 20's crisis I guess
Up to 1 year in prison vs life in prison
Not a Fascist
Fuck this shit hole broken ass cuntry
Awareness of this bullshit