U Lalabearie

Me as a mom if i ever wanted kids which I definitely DONT
Begging me to put the phone down and get back to playing with her
Made a cake for my cake day!
My week old daughter shredding a sick air guitar solo
[Homemade] Walnut chocolate chip cookies
The sticker was a lie
Cheeseburger with cheddar aoli, homemade pickles, caramelized onions, & bacon
Well, that’s one way to keep a dog busy
This clock at my grandparents house is backwards so it faces the right way in the
[I ate] Spicy Miso Pork Ramen
The "I made hot dogs before checking for hot dog buns" burger
I sorted and counted a 5lb bag of Gummy Bears
[Homemade] Spicy Pasta
[Homemade] pork/beef gyoza
Successful, empowered woman. Checkmate bigots!
They call it "Fusion Salad"
My response to people telling me to "Draw popular things if you want to get