U Usernamescantbetoolo

How to put spin on the cue ball
The paint on this fence
"The illusion of choice"
!remindme 1 year
[OC] Timelapse of U.S. drought from August 1999 to June 2021
Sears should bring this back
Perfect shot
Let’s wish Jonathan a happy 188th birthday. He’s the oldest-known living terrestrial
I would like to share with you all the time I was politely dissed by R.L. Stine.
Pastry tricks
[Animation] The apexes of all possible parabolic trajectories for a given initial
Polar and Cartesian co-ordinates
# of STEM major graduates vs Job Openings each year
As chonk up this gate
Hey Dude, What's up?
Aliens must really love the anglosphere for some reason