
Oxygen Mask
I guess it should get partial credit for this? NSFW
[NSFW] Today I discovered my toe fetish
[NSFW] Not exactly wrong, but surely not what I was looking at
[NSFW] If that's a Frisbee, I picket the wrong sport ...
Placental mammal (NSFW)
It's not like it isn't correct, but... [NSFW]
The legendary... [NSFW]
Thank fucking christ I took a picture of my own puke and saved it to my computer.
It's easier if you don't ask why this is on my computer or why I saw this and chose
[NSFW] Not quite right...
[NSFW] Plaster bandage
[NSFW] It's the ciiirrrcle, the circle of life.
[NSFW] By our powers combined...
[NSFW] Nailed it! Flawless recognition!
I agree [NSFW]
Sweet, innocent Wolfram. [NSFW-ish]
I wouldn't call it that.
It doesn't get much more wrong than this. [NSFW]/[NSFL]
It's not food, Wolfram. [NSFW]
Yep, that's what I call them too.
Worst baby ever [NSFW]
Um...No. [NSFW]
I need to reevaluate my life