
The first casualty of the long wait 'till November. Good night, sweet prince; you
[NSFW] Xbox One Fanbase Summarized
MRW Some PS fanboys where bowing me for pre-ordering Xbox one and telling me that
Project spark Fan art :D
This is kind of cool.
Wait for it
My husband bought an Xbox One today....
Maybe I'm reaching but does anyone else think the emblem on that sword looks like
This could've been the next MMO from Microsoft (Cancelled Title).
New xbox one coming out without a disc trey.
Having sign in issues try this?!
Snap is an amazing feature [NSFW]
I know I'm late, but just got Dead Rising 3
Eporner free HD porn snapped with YouTube 36 Mafia. Dat shit.
(NSFW) TIL Xbox support follows a pornstar
Finally got the gf into Xbox. [Peggle] [nsfw]
Got this message after commenting on the Gamescom teaser. Really fun to be a Microsoft
I think we won the console war
PS4 sub every time something new comes along.
Killer Instinct is free.
(nsfw) I'm jus lovin this new reddit app. It's the BEST!!!!
The reason I bought destiny. (Nsfw)
[NSFW] First time posting, be gentle [K]
New XB1 owner. Found out I have a bit of OCD. Fixed it though!
[NSFW] Mature titles shouldn't show up in the "What's On" section for everyone
Does my system have enough ventilation?
Xbox One advertisements.
Legend of Zelda Easter Egg in "Ori and the Blind Forest"
Cortana Xbox Theme (X-post from XboxThemes)
[NSFW] 'Blue Estate', the game with the best main menu
So this gameclip was featured on "What's On" while my kid was sitting next
You may not like them, but with 12,000 Gamestop points I managed to get Titanfall
"i got banned for NO REASON" [NSFW language]
New White/Gold limited edition controller spotted. GS Exclusive
[NSFW]Some people come up with interesting XBL gamertags..
Has anybody else received any messages like this? [NSFW]
So I played Drawful with a bunch of friends the other night... NSFW
So I played Drawful with some friends the other day... NSFW
[NSFW] PC Masturbates
Walmart Black Friday add. Xbox 360 games for $8. Future BC title, Skate 3 included.
Found this question on Amazon today #mildlyinteresting - Elite controller (maybe
Just a heads up, look out for u/ManyLennyPenny, for they went through all this trouble
Xbox lives newest feature in the preview program, the "trending on xbox live"
My friends reaction when I asked if I should get an Xbox One or PS4
To check out the new voice commands I told Cortana to give me a blowjob. The Xbox
Just so you know
Here's my "14 Day Xbox Live Gold TRIAL", Thanks so much for yours too /u/giganticprune
The last thing I expected to see in Trending on Xbox
[BF1 Beta] That Roadkill
When your burnout is the tits
Beat round I've ever had in bf1
[Controller Gore Warning] Previous owners of this controller tried to turn a pen
[NSFW] Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is truly a spectacle.
Gamepass 14 day trial. Last letter is the last letter in the band Rush's most famous