
week and a half in and I think I'm making progress. Can anyone tell?
[Pic] [SV] First 50 lbs down NSFW, fat girl in her underpants
[NSV] Keto gave me my waist (and confidence) back!
Stretch marks almost gone and just got to the right measurements for my wedding dress!
[SV] The first 10 lbs are gone!! NSFW, pics in my undies.
NSV-2 months progress-Long way to go but very encouraging
[pics] nothing to see here folks! just some 1-month progress pics. very slight but
F/24/5'6" 190>159= 31 lbs! I haven't seen the scale this low in 4 years.
SV: lost 20- 4mo prog pics inside
(277 to 242) June 11, 2013 to Oct 19, 2013. NSFW (chick in shorts and tank top)
[Pics] [NSFW] 8 months on keto, 60 pounds down! [x-post from xxketo]