
Fred Gall and Tim O'Conner shooting some pool  [NSFW]
We're trying to win a competition to win £1000 towards developing our local park.
x-post from r/pics: Awesome 80s pussy
Just some skater betties
"Sk8erGirl" found in an Aussie magazine (nsfw)
Bush Plant to Fakie (NSFW)
found these interesting board graphics...
Pretty sweet deck I designed.
Hardflippin' It All Day Long
Look who was shredding at my local park.
Varial kickflip
I too messed up my shoe laces. My recovery.
All of my skate related items since '08. This is my skate gear ( ignore the rip stick
...every damn time (nsfw for some)
I had to get 6 staples in my head after a slam at the skatepark the other day.
I gotta find out what deck this is.
Mall grab
Picked up the board for the first time in 3 years. Jumped a stair and landed w/ one
Where I live in Australia its to humid to skate clothed ;)
Gotta be careful skating around glass, got myself 11 stitches today. Gore [NSFW]
She was a sk8r girl, she said fuck you later girl!
Girlfriend and I gifted each other the same deck.
Friend of mine had a rough night skating
First board I snapped on a kick flip in 7 years....it felt good!
Elsa Hosk
Was doing swell until I did this... NSFW
chest high tre (NSFW)
[NSFW] The result of a caveman tre flip into a parking barrier. Face skid.
Wear protection, kids (mild nsfw)
I think they call this trick the backside 5-0 grind.
Hey kids wear your helmet....here's why [NSFW]
Fun times
Better quality and different shot [OC]
peas off (i did this)
Found this in a long forgotten folder. Don't remember drawing it. What does it mean?
Broke my ankle/leg skating, skate or die bois