The Standard

Eva Green upskirt. What's that all about? NSFW by only the most prudish standards.
I'm no expert, but that looks like the butt of a standard-issue Al-Qaeda squirt gun.
My friend's prediction for the new Standard (INN/RtR)
I guess the MadHatter ha NO standards??
Here's a Dick going to great lengths to get us back on the gold standard.
Softy after a cold shower & in front of the air conditioner by that standard
I'm sick of the double standards! NSFW
End the impossible standards.
Found this in the men's bathroom at my office. Standard tile for scale. NSFW
Tuscon must have better pot standards than Mesa. $260/oz at Green Halo = $320/oz
Kinda tame by this sub's standards but it should be here none the less...
Not sure if I measure up to the usual standard here
I hope this meets the high standards of this sub.
Smaller vice cage got here, seems to fit better when I'm soft than the vice standard
[41M] Uh oh, anyone been naughty? The police are here! Can't help think this isn't
Mods leave up a post with someone calling Gabbi a sexist. But they delete a post
Loving my vice! Standard is a little big but i got my mini cage on the way!
While Milton argues over a cube, Pensacola retains the highest standards for street
This has pretty much become our standard work from home attire. I'm looking for a
Galina Still the gold standard for tight round ass. This post on Besttightroundass
Diamond standard. I'm looking for a partner, follow the instructions on makefastdate.com
i guess you could say i'm the hapa gold standard.. ??
They actually bannee bloodsukka for having called out the most toxic and obnoxious
For the gold standard, my presence is imperative
Aru my boobs still the MILF standard?
Darker skin isn't the beauty standard where I'm from, but maybe you guys will appreciate
Darker skin isn't the beauty standard where I'm from, but maybe you guys will appreciate
Someone from my former church asked for before/after pics after leaving the strict
[wickr -standardcell or kik standard_cell] let’s trade porn and rp while you turn
[wickr -standardcell or kik standard_cell] let’s trade porn and rp while you turn