And I'm So Sorry

Bored before the Fiesta Bowl in Arizona last night. So we ordered 2 Strippers and
Front and back. Sorry the [m]irror is foggy. Pre shower pics! I don't know how to
Not sure if I'm chubby enough. But I do like boys. And I love any boy willing to
[Skin Concerns] This brown spot on my back keeps turning into a scab, then it won't
(M) sorry for the bad lighting and super close up of my softie so here's another.
(M) Damn so I am loved.????....Sorry guys......Change....Promise❤❤❤❤???????bout
Let's play some games while we jerk off (FuckMarryKill, WouldYouRather or whatever
Let's play some games while we jerk off (FuckMarryKill, WouldYouRather or whatever
I am sorry but Jacob Sockness is funny to me I know he wants attention and what not