Ffxiv 2.5

i submitted this for the Community event on the forums for "Favorite Memory"
NDA warning: Comparison of the North Shroud, 1.0 Vs ARR Development map Vs Beta Map.
Another 8 hours til Beta opens up again...
My best screenshot of this weekends test
[Spoiler] This made me squeel like a 9 year old girl at a Bieber concert.
Looks like a DRG can solo the Demon Wall.
My FC purposely failed the second to last story battle so that we could see this.
I guess Cid isn't so sure I can help them in this epic quest...
Anyone know the lore significance of this place, and whatever is embedded in The
. . .shit just got real. (Major Spoiler for the Gentlemen/Hildebrand Quest)
After getting killed countless times I'm just glad to be done before 2.2
After 6 weeks of constant work, we finally did it!
Fireworks over Dalamud
A neat minor detail, depending on your quest completion for a job or grand company;
The worst feeling in the world [Turn 12]
Eternal Devotion Set (On An Elezen Female)
I took an amazing screenshot going into Turn 13 for the first time
New DPS - Machinist screens
[Cutscene Spoiler] The fish you catch at end game
Oh, Rowena.....
Admit it, you miss her a little bit.
A spy in their midst?
Divebomb confirmed ?
Dark Knight Abilities taken from Garland DB
[Spoiler]? Was flying around one of the new areas, and I saw this... Any clue what
[Spoiler]After SO and I finished an intense battle in a dungeon for the main story
[Spoiler] Man vs Dragon Wooden Tapestry Wallpaper (1080, SS from cutscene)
Aw Nuts!
Just studying geometry.
The Beauty of Heavensward (may contain minor spoilers)
Flying Ultima.
[HW Spoilers!] All of these throwbacks, you're killing me Square.
[HW SPOILERS Level 59] All I ever wanted in a Final Fantasy game.
God, I love how they designed this dungeon (spoilers)
Comparison shots (SPOILERS!)
(minor Spoilers) Our foliage defends and hides us from dragons... except for our
*Spoilers* Oh Ilberd, if only that were a true statement.
Holding Back The Storm
[This character] is still alive!
At this point, i'm not surprised about their capabilities as a civilization.(event
I'm beginning to think Y'shtola might have lost her edge.
WHY, SQUARE-ENIX!? WHY!? (3.1 MSQ Spoilers)
I am both hyped and terrified for Sky Island... I mean Diadem
The Scholasticate questline in a nutshell (Minor Spoilers)
Is this dialogue different if you're not a level 50 DRG?
Grabbed a nice fire-breathing dragon screenshot from a cutscene. [Minor Spoilers]
Palace of the Dead gives me huge Bloodborne vibes. (spoilers for both)
[Spoilers] I cannot believe -
[Lorebook Spoilers] On Nael Van Darnus appearance
The resemblance is uncanny.