Funny Post

The Real Reason Gwen Stacy's Neck Broke (Slightly NSFW, x-post from /comicbooks)
So... A friend of a friend apparently pranked their boss and then posted it on Facebook...
Finnish Facebook Safe Sex Ad [x-post from r/popcult]
Whenever I click on an NSFW WTF post
(NSFW) Friday night Facebook posts when you're friends with a lot of strippers.
Saw a post about being able to see the boobies from Eminem's Superman in the thumbnail..
No flirting at the beach [x-post r/images] [NSFW]
So my grandpa posted this. I think we're all afraid to comment on it. [Mildly NSFW]
I'm guessing the guys probably wouldn't agree with her... [FB post] [Slightly NSFW]
When I upvote a Gonewild post.
No Hooking Zone(x-post from twitter)
Most NSFW posts
Who posts things like this to facebook? No shame.
Saw these posts next to each other.
My reaction when I click on an NSFW loseit post to find M in the description...
My aunt just made this and posted it on [FB]... [NSFW]
Made me chuckle (x-post from r/WTF) somewhat nsfw
OKAY PENIS ???? (X-post from r/youtubecomments)
I live in a college town, this is what comes up on Google street view. (x-post from
4Chan has evolved beyond porn (x-post/r/4chan)
Local strip club posts photos of their dancers.  What a great bod--wait a second...
Found this interesting piece of art at a University. I'd love to give credit, but
I wasn't sure if I should post this here... or in r/wtf, or r/movies, or r/tattoos.
What it's like clicking on a NSFW post in /r/WTF
All I think about when people post about their first time shaving their privates(nsfw)
Am i the only one that found the (NSFW) tag the best thing about this post?
Whenever I go to r/wtf and click a NSFW post...
My knee jerk reaction when my boss walks into my office as I close a NSFW post just
An X-post from /r/Imgoingtohellforthis that made me laugh a little to hard. (NSFW
This was a response I got from what I posted yesterday. I think it's better.
You can keep your smug posts to yourself.
When you only post one NSFW picture (SFW).
I knew Meg Griffin was gay. (X-post from r/realgirls)
Together, these posts are like peanut butter and, well, lady parts. [NSFW]
My friend posted this on FB. Caption: "My first selfie in a long time. I couldn't
I think I found a post-op Kermit. [NSFW]
So Cute! (X-post CrazedComics)
This got posted on our local buy/swap/sell page. Used but in good condition? [NSFW]
"R/earthporn didn't appreciate my post" I guess they wouldn't appreciate
My born-again Christian uncle accidentally posted this on Facebook last night...
When I see a /r/gonewild post I approve of
Every gonewild post in a nutshell.
Was browsing my post history when I learned that Imgur is quick to reuse the URL
Nathan Fielder has been hiding a dick pic in every photo he's posted to social media.
My favorite glass artist just posted this, are we still doing bananas for scale?
Deal with it (X post from /r/WTF nsfw)
Early flash photography [x-post r/gifs]
Friend just posted this
My fellow drunks, I ask for a moment of silence. She was too young... (x-post /r/drunk)
NSFW...A friend on mine posted this on facebook. A ceiling tile had water damage
"No honey, I'm totally into you, yes, do me harder" The look my wife has
This sample of Malachite makes me green with envy [X-post r/geology]
All of the Uranium posts
When its your turn (x-post /r/wtf)
An 11 year old boy came into my daughters college class today and drew this from
Two girls, one post
Saw a racist post going around my Facebook feed and needed to fix it (NSFW)
I have never seen two posts so perfectly applicable.