Hitting The Spot

That hit the right spot
[F]eels so good when I hit it the spot
She must have hit the right spot [gif]
It hits all the spots in this position! [F+M]
It ain't the biggest out there but it sure hits the right spots for me!
Light hitting the right spots
He knows how to hit the right spots [M+F]
[F] [M] I can't control my feet when he hits the sweet spot hahaha! ;) [GIF]
MRW my boyfriend hits the right spot.
Sounding the right note (or hitting the right spot), right?
I think he hit the right spot
When he hits the right spot
Bro could always hit the right spots.
[OC] making sure he hits the right spot [M+F]
When he hits the right spot
I've been told i have the perfect size dick for hitting g-spots. Wanna test that?
Sunshine hitting the sweet spot
Brittny Ward hitting the sweet spot
When you hit the right spot?
When you hit the right spot and she starts her period.
[MF] Hitting the sweet spot (Digitoxi)
Love when he [f]ilms me hitting the right spot
When you've hit the right spot
Can you hit the right spot?
When He Hits The Right Spot.
Apparently my curve was built to hit the G-spot.
She's hitting the right spot
A pillow under her helps to hit the right spot [M28 F22]
Hard and to the Left. Always hits the right spot
I Think She Hit The Right Spot
When his tongue hits the right spot
This will hit all the spots
32 The curve will hit the sweet spot. I would love to hear what you think....
Always knows how to hit the right spot ;)
His backshots always hit the right spot
I'm told the curve hits the G or P spot just right
Being Naughty in the Glass Elevator Just Hits My Spots ?
Is this hitting the right spot?
How to hit the right spot.
When You Hit The G Spot
Angelika Grays & Aislin - Lesbians Hit the G-Spot at the Gym
When You Hit The G-spot!
When You Hit The G Spot
Think you’d hit any of the spots I didn’t even know was there?
When it hits the right spot
Upward curve always hit the pussy in the right spot
When You Hit The G Spot
When you hit the g spot
Help me hit the right spot, please! (F) 39 Bi Mum UK??️‍?
Taking good quality photos is great. But sometimes an in the bed selfie just hits
That curve will hit the right spot