I Wasnt

(M) she stupid gave a good nigga away. Dummy pure stupid...wasnt trying to start
( M)Watching Reddit posts on the beach wasnt really a good idea.. :)
I woke up with a headache before school so my brother gave me what he thought was
My pussy was so sore and he wasnt even close to done with me . I'm looking for a
My pussy was so sore and he wasnt even close to done with me . I'm looking for a
My pussy was so sore and he wasnt even close to done with me . I'm looking for a
My pussy was so sore and he wasnt even close to done with me . I'm looking for a
She knew she would be next and she also knew there wasnt a damned thing she could
Sir has a sense of humor this evening I was being a brat and had told him he wasnt
She knew she would be next and she also knew there wasnt a damned thing she could
My college experience wasnt like this. I'm looking for a partner, follow the instructions
Ha Bf said he wasnt gonna sleep in the wet spot tonight. I'm looking for a partner,
My college experience wasnt like this. I'm looking for a partner, follow the instructions
Did this once and wasnt too impressed, lets see how kinky you are today onethrow123
Ex said it wasnt small...i know she lied.