Me Spoilers

Something that occurred to me following the new episode... [Spoilers]
This bothered me every time I saw it. [spoiler]
As a grown man, this made me break down crying [Minor EC Spoiler]
This one scene from a Cabin in the Woods screams 'SCP' at me. (Film spoiler)
My hot chocolate gave me a sign. [SPOILER]
Get your soaking wet rearoff me, Pinkie! (spoilers!)
What occurred to me after Bioshock Infinite's ending [SPOILERS]
Injustice gods among us has pulled a giant amount of sadness from me #16 (LARGE SPOILERS)
This frame evoked more emotion out of me than any comic book ever has. [Superman:
I'm about a year late, but this still filled me with pride. [Spoilers]
I totally forgot this line from Mycroft....reminds me a bit of Hounds of the Baskerville.
This panel made me excited in Injustice: Year Two [Spoilers]
MFW my new Hitachi Magic Wand gives me the first literally screaming orgasm of my
This title's really starting to get me buying these two as a couple... (Superman/Wonder
This page gave me chills. (SPOILERS NIGHTWING #29)
I don't think any one thing has ever made me as happy as this. [Episode 24 Spoilers]
This made me so happy. Avengers Undercover #3. [Spoiler]
These two pages from Batgirl #22 gave me a lot of respect for Jim Gordon (Spoilers?)
They won't see me coming. [Detecive Comics #31] (1920x1080'd and spoiler-freeish)
I don't know why but this page made me laugh (Spoilers Swamp Thing #32)
Nothing has made me more happy then seeing this. (Spoilers)
Please tell me that this Blu-ray change is not real... [Episode 23 spoilers]
I'm surprised how hard this page hit me (Justice League 17/Throne of Atlantis SPOILER)
She reminds me of someone. Where does this pose stem from?(Pokemon ORAS Spoiler)
It's ridiculous scenes like this that keep me reading comics (Thor #1) [SPOILERS].
[Amazing Spider-Man 11 spoilers] U wot m8? I'll wreck you. Swear on me mum
This scene in Afterlife with Archie #6 gave me chills (SPOILER)
Watching WWE 24, this hug by [SPOILERS] and VKM made me tear up
The first time a comic's made me cry like a bitch (Y: The Last Man #58 Spoilers)
(Filler Spoiler) Is it just me or does Burami kinda look like...
This page gave me a new phobia [Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #3] [SPOILERS]
[trailer spoilers] For those (including me) who were wondering why Quicksilver wasn't
Oh, Ghus, you crack me up! [Spoilers Saga 27]
This makes me so very happy. If there's never any more, this was the perfect end.
To me this quote makes [SPOILERS] debut last night even better.
[S2E2][No Spoilers] Oh, you can't fool me, Mr. Holmes.
Thanks for making me imagine a moogle with diarrhea, SE. (Mild fisher level 58 quest
[HW Spoilers] "Oh, do not look at me so."
[COMIC SPOILERS] For some reason this is the part of ALIAS that Jessica looks most
This panel cracked me up quite a bit. [Spoilers B&R Eternal.]
What I thought the ship reminded me of... (Trailer spoilers)
Prof. Oak prepared me for this day! [Anima spoilers]
huge Starwars spoilers, i don't know how to make pics NSFW, can anyone tell me how?
Can someone make this textless for me? FORCE AWAKENS SPOILERS "NSFW"
[Companion Quest Spoiler] So I heard Someone Huffing Jet Behind Me...
Damn... This shot made me tear up a little. RIP (MAJOR SEASON 4 SPOILERS)
Fine Dining- a comic by me [No Spoilers]
[Screenshot] a scene in Yakuza 0 reminds me of my favorite scene in kill Bill (slight
Look what my girlfriend got me (Jamie Hewlett art book, no spoilers)
[Royal Rumble SPOILERS] "Did this bitch just kick me in the face?"
Come with me to the end... (Spoiler)
[NO SPOILERS] Finally got my friend to play Life Is Strange, he sent me this after
[No Spoilers] This propoganda imagery from South Korea depicting Comfort Women against
This is how I feel about being called "fat" and "disgusting."