
With all the boobs in here recently I figured I could contribute some dope porn as
dope porn - a better picture [NSFW]
dope porn request :) [NSFW]
Porn for the less fortunate.
Staying well and coloring.
*Dope porn* I bought a finger yesterday and this is what's left
Woohoo!! Finally scored some fire ECP! [Dope Pr0n ahead]
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea...
Thanks to 90 7.5mg Vicodin, this is my favorite monthly holiday.
One of the last times I'll be pinned for a long time I think. Finally got something
First bulk purchase and porn
Finally giving this a shot. At $0.00 for a month supply, I sure ain't complaining.
found this on r/WTF captioned 'a nurses dream' but thought it was more fitting here
grumble grumble, pills grumble, valentines day, grumble.
Pill porn with SO (/u/sober_junkies) sexy small tits.
little pizzizle plug porn. I don't shoot but I like the way drugs feel up my bum.
My Boner Jams Stash
Sometimes I sit & look at life from another angle. Don't know if I'm God's
My default get away from the office go get high spot
Dope[art]. Something my SO sketched up
Some H and a banana for scale.
Veins turn red after injection am I going to die? [Serious]
Please remember!
I'm high. This is what a child of mine and miss Diaz would look like.
A man smoking opium and chilling with his cat.
75 beautiful blues. I love refill day!! Blue boogers for everyone! [Pill porn]
Pill porn; bust a nut
Top Chef- learning to plate
Me and a good friend are going on a nationwide roadtrip. Every city we stop in we
So hard to keep my paws off...
In what order would you proceed (Drug Pr0n)
When I find a half of BTH that I lost a month ago... :D
Convenient dope porn lol
Got a tiny little bag of BTH. Thought you guys might enjoy some dope porn.
Junk Dilemmas No. 63
Finally went and got on subs, talked to my therapist, and threw in the towel. Here's
Mr. Strickland gets it
The best Black Friday shopping I have ever done!
I made this, it's sorta bad but whatever
Like an all you can itch buffet
Guys, I don't want to brag.. but since these don't exist anymore.. and I can get
Just came across this and thought it was interesting: Kurt Cobain's works photographed
After a day of all my hooks being dry, I coincidentally watched this episode of House.
My dealers gonna get a very happy phone call come morning :) :) :)
Poppy art
My new guy really likes me
Flu season
The art of denial.
PSA kids, don't miss!
Things to be obsessed with. (X-Post from r/funny)
Don't mind me i'm just a Fat Pug with Octopus legs, nothing wrong here.
This movie, haha
Refill day. Pornography al a Roxanne. #90 15mg.
Saw this on my way to work... I can relate.
My collection.
Pill porn - Oxybars - nsfw
dope porn sunrise [nsfw]