
Poor Spike... It sucks to be him
poor lonely girl...
Poor form (diving)
Poor Kris(Trainer, coed(?))
Poor Unfortunate Souls
Poor little Stig is gonna get crushed
Poor bitch's carbonara!
Poorly (or well placed?) choclate
Poor aim [gif]
Poor little guy
Poor Potato
Poorly lit but still fine as hell
Poor Shirt
Poor Mycroft. He Puts Up With So Much.
Poor Bed Sheets - Octavia (and Vinyl Scratch in spirit) [Artist: Kevinsano]
Poor Candle...
Poor girl thought she'd have an easy week
Poor choice for work (f)
Poor Ana...
Poor quality photo but top quality girl
Poor guy on the right's missing the group hug
Poorly drawn dragon rear ending a car
Poor quality, great boobs...my, my, my...
Poor wabbit
Poor buttons... [F]
Poor zip
Poor Naked Girl :(
"Poor guy"
Poor zipper
Poor little hungry pussy, nobody is here to [f]eed it nice things...
Poor puppy looks bored
Poor guy. Just wanted to keep warm. Knocked off two belts upon start up.
Poor thing is self-conscious, help me show her some love?
Poor cat just wants to leave to do cat things :(
Poor etiquette
poor quality but still worthy of a post. she was horny as fuck! [f]25
Poor Dead Ted
Poor pullover doesn’t stand a chance.
Poor gabi... (from 4chan)
Poor thing has no idea
Poor buttons...
Poor life choices.
Poor uniform
Poor, pink, lonely me
Poor Pregnant Misty is about to Burst
Poor Chihuahua, you didn't deserve this
Poor Dave
Poor smile
Poor buddy had a mass removed under his eyelid. He’s recovering well, but hates