When I Say

My gf doesn't believe me when I say her [f]avorite stockings won't get to the front
You're done when I say you're done.
I hate when people say more than a hand(f)ul is a waste.
Fuck you, microwave. My food's ready when I say it is.
What I show people when they say a girl isn't hot cause she doesn't have big boobs.
My wi[f]e does not believe me when I say she's hot.  This is a first, possibly more
People are always shocked when I say this
Y'all, tell me I'm not alone when I say I smiled SO big
My Wife's First Post Ever!! She doesn't believe when I say her ass is amazing. Prove
[F]Small pussy big hips. You see what I mean when I say bottom heavy? (Also bulking
This is what I think of when somebody says "perfect shape and size"
How can you walk away when she says that?
Look me in the eye when you say that, mister. [NSFW]
(NSFW) When bae says you can only finger her...
What I imagine when someone says "calm your tits" [nsfw]
Guy creeps me out, when I say goodbye he changes his name and gender and messages
Apparently this is what she means when she says "I think you'll like how I cook."
[F] Is this what they mean when they say bubble butt? ?
I Always Get Downvoted When I Say "Curvy" In The Title Because of Semantics.
Captioned "When I Say Us ? Im Talkin Bout My Family Dem ??"
As a New Yorker, this is how I feel when people say that no one knows what Londoners
[24F]When he says, send nudes. ;)
Liberals when someone says something negative about Trump.
I may look calm and peaceful, but believe me when I say I would ravage you if you
Okay, girls, when I say jump, you...
Is this what they mean when they say "Cock-Teas" ?
Is this what the kids mean when they say “double fisting”
Nobody believes me when I say that he's still growing
This is what I mean when I say get a grip (F)???
You know it feels good when he says
I hope she appears when I say her name three times
[18F] When dad say you gotta do it, then you gotta do it! / Halloween 2018
That's not what they mean when they say "May be used as a flotation device"
[F22] I love it when you say mean things to me ???
How I look at Bernie when he says prisoners have the right to vote
her look when you say you'll be back soon
What your boss does when she says she's checking the stock
No one believes me when I say I'm half Chinese.... does the fan help?
I'm sure thats not what therapists have in mind when they say you gotta open up more,
If you suddenly cum when she says she fucked an old boyfriend...
My reaction when someone says 'You have to be underage because you wear braces'.
"you can only move when i say!"
So beautiful when she says she did it for love...
you will cum only when i say so
You're done when she says you're done
I'm in heaven when she says that
Tfw when she says she wants to do Locktober
How it feels when someone says "Shut up and heal me!" in raid~
This is what I really mean when I say I'll put on clothes
"So, when you say you like pain..."
My response when people say.. "Your ass isn't that big & round, it's
You're finished when Rushia says you are
I love when you say "vulva"... sounds like something forbidden lol
I’m not kidding when I say my jeans are tight
So I’m 40 and I know it’s meant as a compliment when people say “but your body