
Scumbag photographer gets reprimanded. (NSFW)
Just popped up on my news feed by a very religious friend
This came up on my newsfeed awhile ago, finally have a place to put it.
Real Woman... Wait what
This girl is only 13. Where the fuck are the parents?
Getting some face on my facebook feed, I think facebook needs a NSFW tag.
Keep it classy FB...
How I decide who to unfriend on Facebook.
Things not to do when your infant dies [NSFW]
This is probably the most impolite "No Parking" sign I have ever seen...
I think they are running out of people to give respect.
i can't even. [NSFW]
Just....what?  Why?
Delicious (NSFW)
I think you're missing his point, girls.
because i dont see enough of your kid already... ಠ_ಠ (NSFW-ish)
I recently returned from a 10 person trip to Japan. While we were there we all decided
Tastes funny?
We've found the real culprit.
Sigh, why the hell is this in my newsfeed? [NSFW}
I'm not saying it's a bad drawing. It's just that she drew this in permanent marker
Some guy posted this to my female friend's timeline. Note the date, it's still there...
He may have insisted that he show you, but did you really need to put it on Facebook?
No, really?
When School Confessions Go Wrong
Found on Facebook... Enjoy it while it lasts
NSFW People can see that
This girl always makes the trashiest posts...
I don't think he knows...
That'll show her...
Just like HIV, Herpes and Ebola, right?
[NSFW] A reminder on why you must double check before you post. A submitted this
Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me. NSFW
The housekeepers at the hotel where I work are not very bright
piss status!
I swear these things are the where's waldo of butt cracks.
[nsfw?] My sister searched amazon for bath suction balls for her toddler...
Coffee place nearby's current Facebook posts
Happy Birthday, Dad (Slightly NSFW)
Gonna go ahead and assume this will NOT end well
At least she has a nice ass...
Thanks for the memories, Facebook
NSFW I was looking to buy a television, when suddenly
[NSFW] That awkward moment when a minster doesn't preview his tags from other people
Redpiller likes BDSM, but doesn't like how it's not actually abuse
Found this on Facebook.
What do you expect to get worth a picture like that...?
What did I just read..
Can't get much dumber than that!
What is up with these kinds of Snapchat stories?
Just another cake for 1 year old nuggets.
A columnist for Breitbart missed the search bar
Needless to say, he didn't win the Daily Double.
This awful tattoo
4 whole years