Games > You

Why Shepard, if I didn't know any better, I'de think you're trying to seduce me [Maybe
Damn you, horny gamers! (NSFW)
Are you guys as excited for these new Diablo 3 characters as I am? (NSFW)
Now you're thinking with portals![NSFW]
Did you get LA Noire yet? [comic] (NSFW text)
Damn you and your sale, Valve.
Are you sure I can't have some of that dynamite? *wink* [NSFW]
If you park like this, What the hell. HOW?!
I heard you guys like female RPG characters in armor... [NSFW]
Do you think my obsession with Gabe has gone too far?
As a gamer, how to tell you're growing up
I know you love your horses, but this Khajiit... (NSFW-ish)
"I used to be an adventurer like you, until I took an arrow to the..."
I'll see your Misty and your Rikku and raise you Misty x Rikku. (NSFW)
If anyone was wondering what /v/ did in 2011 (You probably won't understand 90% of
Messing around in Protothingy. You like my monster?
(NSFW) Once you see it this way, the new RE6 cover cannot be unseen...
This is every WoW player dream, finding a woman like this. IF, you like a pussy.
For those of you who want to know what a Prothean actually looks like...
May I present you: the Mass Effect 3 Endboss *Spoiler*
The things you do when bored in Playstation Home. [NSFW]
I see your Zero Suit Samus and raise you... (NSFW)
Thought you zelda fans might like this.
Nenja Samejon - You shall be missed
Pokémon...It's only as dirty as you think it is NSFW
Do you like Steam?
This is what not to do when you famous.
Where did you come from Cotton-Eye Joe
Do you like pictures like this? Come check out our subreddit /r/girlsdoingnerdythings
Playing Counter-Strike and finding things you don't want to see.
I see your The Black Ops emblem and raise you my finest art.
I see your Black Ops emblem and raise you the goatse emblem me and my friend made
All you had to do was follow the damn train CJ! [NSFW]
I see your Misty and raise you Pikachu FLASH!
I see a lot of karma whoring today for Misty so I think you guys would love this
So you'd like a pokemon MMO heh ? ಠ_ಠ
Hey I just met you and this is crazy, but I'm Max Payne and OMG your ass is bleeding
I think i made a new friend guys! Feel free to send him a nice message. Make sure
Nsfw sorta NOCT! Don't eat everything Ignis puts in front of you
I here you all link Argonians.. *NSFW
In commemoration of Valentine's Day, I shall share with you my favorite Valentine's
What lovely melons you have ...
When you're a streamer and get chargebacks
Here's what's happening in NieR: Automata every time you move the camera
When a random person starts messaging you on disscord...
When you finally reach max level and get that human female endgame armor
Assassin's Creed Odyssey really lets you get close to amazing artwork
Anything's a butt plug if you're brave enough [NSFW]
Trying to duel these 12 year old griefers but you're an older gamer... [NSFW]
When you're looking for Nintendo switch graphics comparisons but end up finding porn
Anyone that played the first 7 can you let me know if it's worth my time?
(NSFW) Found out you can hang from the statue’s dong in AC Odyssey
when Ash finally picks you for a Pokémon battle
Arrow to the knee? I raise you...
Feeling a slight breeze. I love you CP2077
Slot #1 might as well be the name of the first weekend a partner you just start dating
i've been thinking about this comment (on a mass effect post) a lot. should i play?