And Said

Said I'll be back with a nicer front. And lingerie. So this is it!
And the sign said long haired freaky people need not apply.
And... polka dot panties. Aaaannd... a bow on said panties
and underneath said out[f]it.
and the nurse said. - by ~G-Lulu
...and then Joey said: Someone's flossing :)
And who said golf was boring!
And the sign said long haired freaky people need not apply. [Feeling naughty at work.]
And they said having a long-distance sub was a waste o[f] time ...
And I said OMG
And he said I wouldn't post here...
And The Lord said "bedazzle that shit".
And who said sports bras cant be sexy?! Pft!
And the Lord said let there be boobs.
And the back of said new underwear, my new favourites! (F)
And Who Said I Won’t Attend The Wedding Of My Bestfriend? [Hinata x Sasuke]
And she said she wouldn't strip :P
And you were so excited when we said you could be in the room
Said we would post a gif last night and never got around to it. So here ya'll go.
And my wife said I'd never find a way to entertain our two nieces.
And God said, "Dat ass is [f]at"
And thats something to think about noone said life was fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And the Lord said, "Bring me that ass" (houtengeki) [Original]
And the Lord said "Let there be breasts..." [F]
And on this day he said "let there be flex"
And they said Animal Crossing was a kid's game
and who said asians can't parallel park?
And I said
And Moses said unto him "cleanse thy son, lest infringement might he become."
And then he said...well let’s just say there were no arguments ? pms welcome !
And God said let there be light...
Said something about the rear and the front‽
And then someone said, show me your behind [f]
And they said Boy Scouts was a waste of time [BDSM, Bondage, Female]
And who said onesies can't be sexy? [F]
And They Said Rollerblading Was Gay
And softly said, "Dear heart, how like you this?" (f)
Said we'd get to the boner part, and I'm a man of my word.
And on the seventh day, God said... “Let there be ass”
And I know I said you could drag me through Hell But I hoped you wouldn't fuck the
And the doctor said "Open Wide"
And she said "Told ya!"
and then she said im not ready for potty training, can you belive that? you know
And I thought they said that the sun doesn't shine here
Said bite me one too many times, and a vampire did...