
Silly breasts, that's not how you use headphones... (nsfw?)
Mailed a friend in Afghanistan a pair of headphones for his deployment, he requested
Can she lend you're headphones?
[m]e and my headphones
So, I googled Penis Headphones. I'm fairly happy with the outcome.
(H) Nice studio headphones, Audio Technica brand...(W) MFLB or other portable vape
Went to the beach with my friend. Those headphones? Nope!
Darn headphone cord.
I don't care much for their headphones but their marketing is spot on.
Got my first real pair of cans as a birthday gift, open them up aaaaand...
Trial run was a success! Check out my CAT5 audio cable
You'll Always Remember Your First
Anyone else hyped for the Fiio X1? Market needs a solid $100 DAP
You can find nice feet everywhere. (Random Find while looking for headphones lol)
Any other MDP owners here?
Made a new Mad Dog Pro Cable
Everything goes with black
The Audiophile Test Image
Head-Fi Reviews/Impressions/Discussions
Hot and Sexy Bose Headphones Photo shoot - With some drama! [NSFW]
Every time I see this DT990 graph...
I guess Tube Tuesday is back...
Why is everyone wearing pants at home? (Bonus cat!)
Am I doing this right?
Something something wood joke #ThighFi
Got my new headphone stand today :)
K553 Pads | Battle Scared
[NSFW] Allegedly strangled by headphones
My pistons got rekt
Can we post porn?
The new iPhone may not have a headphone jack, but at least...
Ran my Fiio X3 over with a car today. Minus the cracked screen and split chassis,
good luck to all of the hd6xx buyers(including me) you'll need it
RIP my beloved M40X
ITAP of my headphones.
My brother's 4 Year Philips SHE-3590 (He still uses it)
/hpg/ in a nutshell
Audio-GD R2R11 measurements--take with a grain of salt
A sad day for my TH-X00 PHs :(
Anyone have this problem with their K550s? I might need to repaint them.
Cursed knolling
RIP MD+ 2019-2019
TIFU when reassembling my Pioneer SE-700.
The most NSFL image
Attempting to transmute some Summit-Fi (featuring the Four Horseman of Chi-Fi)
Bottle of DEET mosquito repellent leaked in my bag. they still work
I was sick of my uncomfortable DN2000j so I modified them..
Naked with headphones ?
My ultimate end game set up
My wife sucked up my KSC75x's
So my partner fell in love with my HD6XXs and said "these are mine now, you're