
Artificial doesn't mean inferior
Avoiding the inequality and immorality of male superiority will be always an intelligent
The winged ones consider the men inferior animals, not suitable as mates but occasionally
Obviously this subreddit doesn't represent all women. One day perhaps we should create
So /r/maledom's feminists, if you don't agree that women are only inferior fuck-meat
So /r/maledom's feminists: you want a superior man? Ok, but it won't be for free;
So Maledom feminists: remember you may be feminists to inferior men; but, to a Superior
Being the cum dump of a Superior Man is the greatest honor and most supreme privilege
A Superior Man's superiority is the only thing that can make women feel justified
feminism: a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing,
All honorable women manage to find good reasons and pretexts when it comes to justify
Superior Men are only interested in inferior women that are simple fuck-meat objets
This feminist shows us the proof that demonstrates gender equality defenders don't
The only way she can get inferior men to ask her for her autograph
Superior Men don't like or choose women who win Math prizes and don't need Superior
So yes, women don't deserve any respect, regard or appreciation from the Superior
female hypergamy is explained by female inferiority. Be sure women would not be applying
MD feminists remember: if you want to be accepted by superior Men, you have to behave
So inferior gentlemen, your "women's studies" teacher/idol is His cum dump.
MD ladies, His pleasure is infinitely more important than feminism or inferior men.
women feel offended when inferior men treat them bad, but they feel happy and validated
feminists take pleasure in being accepted by the superior Men that they need and
So, MD feminists, this subreddit doesn't make you reject feminism, but, on the contrary,
So, MD feminists, remember: you *NEED* feminism (namely, artificial gender equality)
Superior Men only accept women that need them. A superior woman would not need any
So consensual patriarchy is OK. In fact, consensual patriarchy empowers womyn. Womyn
/r/maledom is a subreddit about Male superiority, and so about female inferiority.
Another rape-fighter being adorable. Rape-fighters don't fight rape; they fight lack
The superior Men's reasoning: "if we superior Men have to accept wymyn, then
she doesn't do it because she's inferior; she does it because she enjoys it (as much
Superior Men don't need to have any nice disposition toward women to succeed in sexually
So, as a celebration for having made it to 5000 readers, we'll do nothing. Here you
MD feminists: you don't just give your body to superior Men; you give Them a behavior
So women don't passively pay their inferiority to superior Men; every woman secretly
So MD feminists remember: the stupider you are, the more amusing and acceptable you
It's indecent to bow, submit and self-debase to another person's amusement; you have
MD feminists: HIS pleasure is your only pleasure. You enjoy your pain cause it makes
Now she's a more perfect woman, and so a more modern and smarter feminist (since
women give superior Men for free what inferior men have to beg for (or pay for)
In reality women are superior, but they show themselves as inferior because it's
The modern Internet is not Men debasing women: it's women debasing women. The reason
Every Male supremacy-fighting feminist is the type of inferior woman a superior Man
This is why you'll never see a Male supremacy-hating feminist saying she prefers
"women never take the first step"... inferior men say
Breaking the chains of Male oppression to put on the chains of female inferiority
female inferior free-but-optimizing agency always chooses its best, optimal, most
Some feminists think I'm not a feminist, but I am. I think female inferiority needs
This subreddit is just fantasy. Everybody knows real life women prefer inferior men.
feminism simply is the femaleness women exhibit to inferior men: superior smart women
feminism has managed to break the chains of Male oppression. Now it needs to free
So if an inferior man refuses to have a relationship with a woman bc she doesn't
feminists say feminism is about gender right equality. This means women should have
Have in mind the following: inferior things are always in a position of *being offered*
When someone is inferior, they need to beg for acceptance. This is why women only
This is why I am inferior to my black masters. It is why I am just a white bitch
Equally inferior.
White Inferiority
i'm worthless and inferior to men (: