
The Feast of Peasants (NSFW)
today i felt the might power of the 970. such a shame my pc hasn't arived yet
I'm pretty sure they are confident with that slogan
[gore]My laptop in a nutshell. I get a glorious 12 fps! NSFW
Mods bring people together, Even heisters and the cops.
But I Thought 1080p Was "Unrealistic!"
[Satire] Sweet controller you got there peasant.
The Alien: Isolation Angry Review is out and... wait wat?
The irony is the Peasant I showed this to thinks it's a real thing
Masterrace waifus !
[NSFW] Alright, which one of you guys did this [60FPS]
Almost want to give these GPUs a NSFW tag
I really can't go anywhere on the internet without being reminded of the glorious
Getting cute gifts from bae xx (nsfw language)
mods ruin games (nsfw)
Some people post beautiful pictures of their rigs, this is more of an erotic novel.
Meme/Macro It's been a month and it's still in there doing nothing
Raising awareness for dirty keyboards.. Please clean yours before it's too late!
[NSFW/NSFL]What posses someone to perform such a heinous act?!
Watch Dogs is such a broken game [NSFL]
What nightmares are made of. [NSFL]
Yep, that about sums it up. [NSFW]
Sorry buddy, you wont find much.
That's so sexy
Wowzerz! DO WANT. DO WANT!
[NSFW] The Teamspeak admins on this server, haven't taken well to the latest news
Could it be? Has someone in my building has ascend?
PCMR spotted on r/Jokes
[NSFW] Impressive FPS!
[NSFW] So Tabletop Simulator added a table with google on it.
we will always be one step ahead
[Injury] I too have a few weeks before I'll be able to walk forward again... We should
My thoughts on peasantry uniting to take stop ddos attacks
I wish I spent $300 on this instead of a 144hz monitor
Today is a glorious day!
Oh a new gift, i wonder what the message says..oh
[BCS Spoiler!] Please dont kill him, Mike. He can change
Even Xhamster agrees peasants are getting fucked
[NSFW] So that's why Victoria can afford a 3D printer and loads of cashmere sweaters
Almost done with the glorious "Mini ITX Devil". This arrived a day later
What am I supposed to do here [GTA V]
GTA V - My Body Is Ready!
Thanks? (NSFW)
LinusTechTips being naughty
~nya~ cute skyrim gurl ~enb~
This... This is a whole new level of censorship. I didn't think Valve could stoop
Seems like Valve is joining the ranks.
Fall of the empire. nsfwish?
Using your monitor and bright desktop as a (relatively shitty) desk light
Maikelele knew what was up when he joined...
My brothers VALVE, Corp did good to me with full refunds.
Figure i'll get a jump on the "my poor wallet" posts coming soon.
Dear WBros and whoever else was involved with making the new batman game, i would
[NSFW] Mr. Robot character confirmed PC Master Race
Should I marry her? I think I should marry her [NSFW]
Any fellow 4K gamers in PCMR? Let's Play!