Superior Men

Feminists are so superior, so equal to men, and so indistinguishable from men, that
She's a feminist when she hates men, that is, when she hates inferior men. But, with
You can think of it this way: women are so inferior, that they only justification
Feminists only dislike being treated as inferior beings by men who are inferior too.
Another feminist playing the clown and doing stupid things for the Superior Man she
Empowerment doesn't turn female inferiority into superiority; it just turns female
Every woman knows inferior men will have to approach her, since she won't approach
feminism is utterly erratic: it defends gender-equality, but it defends female freedom
After Men accepted to liberate women from Men, they imagined women would finally
Another lady attempting to get accepted by a Superior Man. If she were superior enough,
A Superior Man has the legitimate right of accepting only inferior women, as long
feminism is not against objectification; feminism is only against inferior men. Which
Every Superior Man's cum dump perfectly knows how to defend her feminist rights against
Here we aren't interested in the false image of female superiority feminists brainwash
So, to a gender equality defender, whether it is honoring or dishonoring depends
To a superior Man women simply are these pathetic worthless human-like cumdumps.
Only inferior men can seriously believe she's as superior as a Man. women use feminism
women love natural things. feminists only love artificial gender equality's artificiality
There is 1 thing women need from inferior men: their inferiority. It's why many women
The input: superior Man's cum. The output: feminism against inferior men and in favor
No, MD feminists, you don't get to be accepted by a superior Man by simply offering
In the morning she gives speeches to inferior men where she claims women are so superior,
It's really simple, MD feminists: if you really want to convince a superior Man that
feminism is not that stupid. it comprises a witty hidden message to men, which is:
Every feminists needs to see covered and solved the question of getting accepted
There's only one thing that can prevent a feminist from claiming she's as superior
feminists don't like men who think women are as superior as men
/r/maledom readers, there are some fellows that still don't get it, so I'll have
So womyn need inferior men too because those are the only men womyn can play their
What you see is exactly what a superior Man gets: a curvy piece of fuck meat, no
Abuse doesn't make a Man superior; it's a Man's superiority that makes wymyn be willing
Because gender equality is all about female freedom, isn't it? So we'll have to understand
Modern feminists know well if they want to be considered to be as superior as Men,
MD feminists: if you show off how inferior you are and how inferior your skills and
So that's the only big problem that feminists secretly have about Men: they want
More "female superiority" (that is, another feminist being "superior
feminists tell inferior men women are superior; but in reality every woman is happier
So women don't pretend they're inferior when being with a superior Man; they pretend
Since women only need and pursue Men that are superior and beneficial to them (and
Here you have another example of the female notions of superiority, strength and
Yes, there is a wage gap between Men and women, and it exists because there is a
So it's simple: a woman's only and real happiness is a superior Man; and so a woman's
inferior feminist men think women aren't inferior abuse meat, but female beauty is
If women were actually superior, they would not need to create a feminist movement
What is less than a doormat or a urinal to a superior Man, is a haughty, superior
women need a superior Man to openly despise, laugh at, and fight inferior men, and
The reason why women will tell inferior men they won't do degrading, inferior things
A superior Man doesn't need to pay for sex or force women into sex against women's
So feminist subreddits out there describe the pretended, artificial, role-played
So this is all those Male supremacy fighting feminists' real life female actuality:
Remember that this subreddit is just fantasy. Everybody, feminists included, knows
So every feminist demonstration you ever witness has just one underlying meaning
feminists get respect, quotas & money from inferior men on the idea that
I sometimes forget that men are superior to me and talk back or give my opinion.
Black men are always sexually superior
Blacked has rewired my brain forever. Whenever I see a hot girl I can only imagine
Morally superior 34F virgin spinster asks: why do the evil nasty men feel entitled