Things I Say

There are so many things in this photo I wouldn't be able to say no to.
Ex-girlfriend just posted this on Facebook saying the only thing I'm gunna miss is
I love girls who say things in nice ways
Modern women are more intelligent and have a higher education, and they say they
What can I say? I have a thing for brothers
a man made me (f) cum this morning just by saying a few things he wanted to do to
My girlfriend loves it when I can't say a thing.
[F]eel my butt and say bad things to me
I don't know why she makes me "say the words". Permission is her thing,
GF is not sure about this, so say nice things to her! [MF]
"Wow, you really have a thing for dark mages" Says Nyx to DeltaFucker,
My [F] loved the things you had to say
I made a thing just for the 43 of you that Reddit says have followed my profile in
Update: yesterday a couple accounts claimed to know who I am and that if I didn't
(f) irst post. They say a smile is the sexiest thing to wear? I also brought lingerie.
They say getting up is only the 2nd hardest thing in the morning
So when he gave me a book of my little pony stickers.....I informed him they were
They say good things come in small packages. As a 6'1 dude with a petite (5ft, 95lb)
"A place for all things Jessica" If you say so
They say slow songs are for skinny girls... but let’s take things how we feel like
They say the best thing you can do to alabaster is add some light color ?
She says this is her favorite thing to do to me
Need someone to say nice things to me. ?
Servers say the damndest things
"I even know how these things work now," says Winnyfread as she uses her
You could say things are getting steamy
You say "derpy" like it's a bad thing
28 [T4M] Madison Heights - Gloryhole Open, still horny but want to keep things COVID
Long time no see :P Me minutes before saying cringey things to my boyfriend ?
You say witch like it's a bad thing.
Semi story to this, we were doing a couple swap, and he was having a hard time staying
I never smile, so please say nice things about my [f]ace ^_^
Let's just say we did some naughty things on the beach last night!
People say it like its a bad thing....
Was interesting to look at my daughters blog, to see her say things like this. Can't
My small boobs say hi! What do you thing about?, be honest
Everynight I say the same thing, and everynight you come the same way <3
???4'10'' 93lbs - I do every single thing you ask, so STOP ASKING! I can't &
Two fish are in a tank. One says, ‘How do you drive this thing?’
Style is a simple way of saying complicated things.
When you got to your place, the least thing you were expecting was finding a hot
Wow is the only thing I can say
Wow is the only thing I can say
Why do you look at me like that? Masturbation is a completely normal thing. Well,